of Life and Death

Blog of Life and death experiences..

Monday, July 02, 2007

After a long gap ........

I guess the last post i made was some one year back..I had newly moved to Hong Kong from China those days.
Well now one year down the line am still in Hong Kong .
World has changed alot since then...For me ,work front ,my personal front and otherwise as well...
Global warming is taking is toll all across the globe with South Asian Nations suffering presently..India..Pakistan ..China..Thailand and so on !!
Learnt yesterday that sacred Ice Shivlinga ,in Holy pilgrimage for Hindus at Amarnath also melted due to heat ! Shiv also known as Mahesh is supposed to be one of famous trinity in Hindu Mythology ....: Brahma (Creator),Vishnu (preserver),Mahesh (Destroyer). It is said that whenever the Destroyer god is not happy with the deeds of Human beings he shows his anger in form of calamities etc..So Hindus take Earthqukes ,Draughts,Epidemics ,Floods and all such things as Shiva's anger !! But it's rather interesting to see that Shivlinga (which Hindus worship coz hey take it as very origin of Life) itself had to disappear !!
Is Shiva so frustated with Humans now ??
Well ,May be ! Global warming is definately not a phenomena taking place coz of What Lions or elephants or Birds or Fishes or Insects are doing in this world ! Whole blame is to be shared with Human race .What we are capable of doing and what we are actually doing ..actually no one has realised yet !
Actually as per me Shiva already tried giving some wake up calls to us in recent past ....Say Tsunamis , Ritas and Katerinas to name a few ! These were new of it's kind !
But seems like we are not listening ,or may be too busy fighting with each other or to achieve not so needed goals of life !
What can Shiva do now ....
United States which will talk about all the issues ranging from Human rights to democracy in the nations which it needs to take on a head on approach ( read China and Middle eat oil rich nations ) ,It will go a long way to ensure it is heard ...even will force it's way ....It's so called way for IMPOSED democracy or ...own defination of HUMAN rights (may be which doesn't apply on it's own run torture camps at Guantanamo Bay ) ..US has done all this ..
But interstingly this nation with Less than 1/25th population of the world is the biggest contributer to the polluting gases !!
Till date it has wamhantely refused to agree with and follow the EARTH Summit Norms and recommendations at Rio De Jenario .
I really can not take this hippocracy !
Even poor nations ( I don't called India at Developing nation ....that way all the nations are developing ..some dveloping industries,some with populations ..some with diseases ;) ..Like India ..are trying something which was till a while ago was un imaginable for them ...CNG is being introduced at some cities and no. of CNG cities is increasing ..that's a good sign..atleast we are a better democracy than USA ....though Mobocracy at times :-)