of Life and Death

Blog of Life and death experiences..

Friday, May 19, 2006


Huh! I am reading Mein Kampf ( My Fight ) these days...autobiograophy of the so called most tyrant ruler in the world history ..Adolf Hitler.
It is not that his character mesmarises me but certainly if it is claimed that mere his orating skills turned peacful and laid back Germans into fanatics and nationalists..there must be something in the guy! and that is why i wanted to read his speeches ,i went through some including one of his last public speeches in Munich.
To me except for a few points he sounded like a perfect and ideal leader,or let me say my idea he WAS a pretty good leader but his causes had a tinge of hatred again a race ,which i don't feel like endorsing as per me one can not generalise character of any race ,which Hitler did...Personally i weight a person Only Individually as per his ability and capability ,notions or races and other barriers hardly affect this per me.
But yeah! some suprising learning i got like BEETLE car model from VOLKSWAGON ,is actually a design by Hitler himself...This is an evergreen model and still in sale since 1930's ..Amazing it is ..Beetle is highest eversold car model...Hitler gave new life to war trodden Germany..He pulled Germans to new hights of perfect in the fields of art and science and technology....It was his love for Architecture ,painting and design that gave many wornderful structures to Germany,unfortunately many of them got damaged in 2nd world war.The highways he built "AUTO HANN" still remain uncomparable in technique..
Well ,as i grew old i started realising that every coin has two sides ...every so called good thing has a bad side and every so called bad thing has a brighter side as well...people tend to make their ideas based on the history book and media of their time and also from the stories they hear since their child hood...But mind it ..it can be true it can be false..Searching truth is an intersting thing.
It is said that history is always written by a VICTOR..and he literally recreates history so as to be learnt by the coming generations Till the invent of internet it has remained the sole trend all over the world.one tried to capture history books ,writes goody goody autobiographies ,tend to label lost enemies as WORST people ,always!
In world war 2 for example ,blaming the axis powers Germany/Italy and Japan solely for everything wrong happened is unjust.People of whole of the countries and mind it, well educated countries were not fool to follow thier leaders to play the roles of the villains...they were actually one of the co heroes of the war movie who were made to be villain after loosing.For example after loosing first world war Germany was made to pay all the war expenses ,at the expense of it's own people..France and UK took larger chunk of German pie as germans went helpless after loosing.These nations wealth kept swelling at the expense of Germany..Germans were fighting deep crisis of resources and poverty,which made them spring back aggressively ,that is why Hitler got his supports from fellows.
Infact if i look back i feel Brits/French were more brutal in the treatment of locals when they captured colonies all over world (read Asia Africa specially),as compared with Germans..German did not have so many colonies...Who imposed Indigo famring in Bengal despite of knowing that it makes the soil unfertile for any other use....killing bengalis due to lack of food..They( Brits) did it for short time money as Indigo had a good market in Europe...They imposed shut down of all the cotton mills in India so as Indians will have to buy cotton from Manchestar Mills which were lossing business due to tough competion by mills in Kanpur,Surat and Bombay etc. Millions in India went jobless and they had no way to survive..Who killed thousands brutaly in jalianwala bagh...Brits..Well same kind of atrocities and inhuman treatment was given to locals of africa and Latin America by French and Espaniards respectively....Why blame only Germans..I belive Churchill was as bad a Hitler....


At 4:20 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 4:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right...and now we do the same to our people too...!!


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